Real Life Stories

40 Stories for 40 Years

To celebrate our more than 40 years of service, we are sharing 40 of our beneficiaries’ powerful stories with you — stories of hope, compassion, and determination. We hope these stories inspire you as much as they inspire us.

Gayatri Has Hope for a Bright Future

Gayatri Shinde is a 9th-grader who lives with her parents in a rented room in the Asalpha village in Mumbai. She is a sincere and hardworking young girl who loves to dance and excels academically. Two years ago, her father, the sole earner of the family, lost his job, and the family has struggled financially since. Read more

Patel and His Family Rise Above Adversity

Patel Kuldeep Jashubhai, from Mehsana, finished his secondary course of study with high grades, and through Educate 2 Graduate funding administered through the Higher Education Support Trust (HEST), he was able to successfully complete his education in Information and Communication Technology. Read more

Ankita Rises Above Circumstances to Become a Police Constable

Ankita Baburao Waghmare is one of four daughters born into a tribal community in the Washim District of Maharashtra. Though her home life was not conducive to education, Ankita was an academically excellent student. With support from Share & Care, LOLT has helped Ankita develop her confidence level, communication skills, and career-oriented mindset. Read more