
Share & Care Kids4Kids: Creating a Community of Children Who Care

Did you know that more than 40% of children in India drop out of school before reaching eighth grade? That’s two out of every five students. Many of these millions of children live below the poverty line and drop out due to circumstances beyond their control — such as discrimination, gender inequality, or lack of … Read more

Share & Care Thanks All Who Supported Our 36th Annual Gala

On the evening of Saturday, October 20, 2018, more than 1,000 supporters gathered at the Bergen County Academies auditorium in Hackensack, New Jersey for Share & Care’s 36th Annual Gala & Fundraiser. The theme of the event — Educate a child. Enable a woman. Empower a nation. — celebrated the power of a single person … Read more

Our Unsung Hero & Founder President – Arunbhai Bhansali: (1941-2018)

Arunbhai Bhansali, a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and a visionary co-founder of Share and Care Foundation for India passed away on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 in New Jersey. He is survived by his wife Sudha, sons Manan and Maulik, grandchildren Kaia and Aran, and sister-in-law Tejal. Until the night before he went to the hospital for … Read more

Kerala Flood Leaves More Than 60,000 Families in Need of Food, Shelter, and Medical Care

Share & Care responds with $10,000 in immediate relief, with a long-term goal of $100,000 toward rebuilding lives Over the last few days, torrential rainfall has caused catastrophic floods in the India state of Kerala. Hundreds of lives have been lost and thousands have been left homeless, including more than 60,000 families evacuated to safer … Read more

It’s Back-to-School Time for Some, but Not All

Educate 2 Graduate operates in several villages throughout Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. It’s back-to-school time. As students of all ages prepare to head back to class, we at Share & Care are thinking of those who are unable to fulfill their educational goals. Some can’t afford supplies or tuition. Some have parents who want them … Read more

E2G Success Story: Dr. Bhavesh Manijbhai Sonagara

At Share & Care, we believe in the power of education to lift individuals (and entire families and communities) out of poverty. However, for many young people in rural India, access to education is almost completely out of reach. That’s why our Educate 2 Success and Educate 2 Graduate Signature Programs provide children and young … Read more

International Women’s Day 2018: Rural Women Creating Change

Today is International Women’s Day, an occasion to celebrate the social, economic, and political achievements of women — and to call for gender equality around the globe. This event is close to our hearts because we at Share & Care work daily to empower women, especially those living in regions where female autonomy is often … Read more