It’s Back-to-School Time for Some, but Not All

Gujarat, India

Educate 2 Graduate operates in several villages throughout Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.

It’s back-to-school time. As students of all ages prepare to head back to class, we at Share & Care are thinking of those who are unable to fulfill their educational goals. Some can’t afford supplies or tuition. Some have parents who want them to stay home, work, and help support their households. Many don’t understand the importance of education, and lack positive mentors to point them in the right direction.

In rural India, these scenarios are all too common. That’s why we’re committed to providing resources that not only help children and young adults get a basic education, but also help them earn degrees that will contribute to brighter futures for them and their families.

To make a donation toward our education programs, please click here.

An E2G Student Success Story

Rajubhai Bholabhai Sadadiya grew up in a rural village in the Rajkot District of Gujarat, where he lived with his parents and his two younger sisters. They faced many struggles. His father has a chronic illness, and both of his parents are illiterate. To pay medical expenses and support their family of five, the couple (and sometimes Rajubhai) worked 12- to 14-hour days in the field. And still, wages were meager.

Rajubhai was fortunate to be able to attend primary school in the village while also helping with the farm. His dream was to become a software engineer and to eventually raise his family’s quality of living. In his classes, he went above and beyond. He studied in nature camps, participated in state-level art competitions, and achieved high marks.

He was eventually accepted into a residential school. After 12th grade, he attended college and acquired a Bachelor of Computer Applications. It seemed as if he was right on track to attain his goal.

Then, he found out he needed a master’s degree to get the kind of job that would pull his family out of their impoverished circumstances. He had neither the funds to pursue the degree nor the resources to stay in a larger town where he could attend the necessary classes. He felt crushed.

Thankfully, one of his instructors encouraged him to apply for Share & Care’s Educate 2 Graduate loan-scholarship program, and even provided a letter of recommendation on his behalf.

With help from E2G, Rajubhai completed his master’s degree. He now works as a software engineer at Bytes Technology Ahmebadad, where his salary has tripled in less than three years.

He is now able to support himself as well as his parents and his sisters. He achieved his dream.

Rajubhai’s journey demonstrates the value of hard work and determination. It also shows that lending a helping hand to someone in need really does change lives, and can create ripples of positivity that extend even further than expected.

Would you like to help others like Rajubhai?

With a gift to our E2G program, you can help other brilliant yet marginalized students achieve their dreams of higher education.