Educate 2 Success – E2S

Our Goal: Bringing Education to India’s Forgotten Children

To provide students in rural India who have dropped out of school with the support to re-enroll and complete their education.

A Crisis in India

Millions of children in India, especially those living below the poverty line in rural areas, drop out of school before they reach the secondary school level. There are various factors influencing students to drop out, including affordability, discrimination, child labor, and gender gaps.

The fact remains: over 40% of Indian students drop out before reaching eighth grade.

dropout rate

Once these children drop out of school, they fall back into the same cycle of poverty their families have faced for generations. They are unqualified for most professions, and see very little financial growth in their lifetimes.

These children need support, guidance, and nurturing to break out of the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy.

Education is the single best way to end poverty

Our Program

Share and Care’s Signature Program Educate to Success (E2S) works toward uplifting underprivileged rural and tribal children who have dropped out of school and providing them with the support and resources to complete their education.

What sets E2S apart is our holistic approach—our main goal is not simply literacy, but that each child develops into a productive, compassionate, and confident member of society who makes effective career choices that lead him or her to comfortable livelihoods and financial independence.

Each child is selected with specific criteria in mind. The majority of beneficiaries come from single-parent homes, large families where they may face neglect, or have been orphaned. They are from the poorest and most marginalized communities in India.

Our NGO partner, Light of Life Trust, works diligently to assess and support each student entering the program, called Project Anando. Together, we provide high-quality education opportunities to the children and aim for their holistic development. Specific programs include providing educational materials, holding remedial education classes in math and English, holding confidence-building weekend workshops, counseling to parents, teacher training, etc.

Sponsor one child for a year, change a life forever


The Impact

E2S has the potential to change the futures of thousands of children. About 89% of the students from Project Anando graduate from high school and go on to college, pursue vocational training, or secure jobs. Most of the remaining students retake the examination to complete their high school education.

Share and Care is currently investing $70,000 per year to support 526 rural and tribal students from remote villages in Maharashtra, India, through this program.

We aim to change the futures of thousands of children. However, we need your generous support to achieve this dream.

Your generous gift means one more child in India will be able to attend school. Your gift will change the future of a child, her family, and her country.

With your support, we can change the lives of thousands of children in India

A Changed Life–The Story of Almel Priya Swami in Project Anando

Almel Priya Swami

As a young girl, Almel watched her father battle alcoholism for years before finally succumbing, leaving her aging mother to support her family of three. Their situation was dire–they lived in a house that lacked even the most basic amenities, such as electricity and running water. Almel’s mother often had to work three jobs at a time, and started taking Almel to work alongside her, causing Almel to miss school.

Luckily, thanks to the hard work of Project Anando team members, Almel’s situation was noticed and she was given assistance to re-enroll in school. Initially, Almel was shy and subdued, and would sit quietly by herself during classes. After a year of workshops and mentoring from Light of Life Trust, Almel started making friends and participating in class. By the time of her graduation, she had moved up to the top of the class, and her change in confidence was evident for all to see.

Almel is currently enrolled in a hospitality management course. She is fluent in English and serves as an inspiration and mentor to other students in her program. Almel has a bright future ahead of her, something she never thought possible before.

Join us in creating thousands of success stories just like Almel’s.

How You Can Make a Difference

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Providing a child with education changes her whole life