As a part of our dedication to local community service, Share & Care successfully conducted our sixth annual Health Fair on October 15, 2017, in Mahwah, NJ. Jointly supported by the Hindu Samaj Mandir, our annual health fairs have become flagship events to give back to the community. The purpose of the health fair is primarily to provide FREE basic preventive care, FREE specialist consultations, and FREE information on healthy habits for better quality of life to the participants from the community. Drs. Bharati Palkhiwala and Savita Khosla, and their team (Dr. Arun, Dolly, Hema, Darshana, Mardavi) plus many dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to plan and execute the program.

Nearly 130 local residents, several with no health insurance coverage, pre-registered to benefit from the health fair along with several walk-ins.
A plethora of physicians consisting of internists, geriatricians, cardiologists, endocrinologists, OB/GYNs, ortho/pain management specialists, podiatrists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, dentists, lifestyle managers (weight management and nutrition), vision specialists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists, were freely available for everyone to ask questions, get checked if needed, and schedule follow-ups if necessary.

Free flu shots (adults) plus health screenings for blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, BMI, and anxiety/depression were available to everyone. A healthy breakfast was given free of charge to all participants, as many had fasted to have their blood drawn.
Share & Care is extremely proud of our efforts to be a part of the community and thank all those who participated in this year’s Health Fair.