Share & Care’s Educate 2 Success Signature Program provides support for students who are at risk of dropping out (or in some cases, have already dropped out) of school. The children selected for this program are from the poorest and most marginalized communities in India, and are assessed with the help of our incredible NGO partner, Light of Life Trust. The majority of our beneficiaries are from single-parent homes or large families where they may face neglect, or have been orphaned.
Currently there are 666 students, each with a unique perspective and background, enrolled in the program. Below are just four of their stories.
The Children

Leena Atmaram Kambli
Leena is an orphan who lives with her maternal aunt, the only adult who supports her emotionally. When she initially began the program, Leena was very shy; however, over time she has blossomed socially and has displayed extraordinary artistic talent. She now supports other students and enjoys participating in all school-related activities.

Divya Vinayak Shinde
Shortly after Divya enrolled in the program (in 2015-16), her instructors noticed that she was often absent from her workshops. Counseling revealed that she was distracted not only by a romantic relationship, but also by her parents’ tumultuous marriage and the fact that her mother lives and works in another town. Our team is helping encourage Divya to focus on her studies during this crucial point in her life.

Mayuresh Krushna Patil
A neglected child, Mayuresh lives in Nehuli village with parents who are daily wage earners. He has hearing difficulties, making it difficult for him to study and understand others. Our team supports Mayuresh and his parents through counseling, and he is showing improvement in reading skills and word pronunciation. He loves to draw and hopes to pursue a career in drafting.

Iccha Kamalakar Tambde
Iccha, a shy child with poor communication skills, comes from a family with no education awareness. Her older brother dropped out of school, and without our help it is likely that she would have followed. Our instructors have prepared special learning tools for her, as her knowledge of English and Marathi is very limited. Fortunately, with continuous support and encouragement, she has begun to develop these basic skills.
The Problem
Millions of children in India, especially those living below the poverty line in rural areas, drop out of school before they reach the secondary level. Across the board, common factors influencing students to drop out include discrimination, child labor, and an inability to pay for school expenses. Among our beneficiaries, other common problems include instances of addiction or health problems within the family, gender discrimination, and a general lack of support or guidance from elder family members.
Sadly, many of these children’s parents don’t want them to have an education. Sometimes they’re uneducated themselves, and sometimes they’re absent from their children’s lives completely. For these young people, life is a vicious cycle of deprivation, illiteracy, and poverty that has been repeated generation after generation.
What $130 Can Accomplish
We understand the heartbreaking reality that every child cannot be saved. However, it is our mission to provide as many as possible with opportunities to grow and thrive — and our E2S program has the potential to improve thousands of lives. We currently support 666 students, and with your help, we hope to reach our goal of supporting 1,000 students by the 2019-20 academic year.
With a donation of just $130, you can present one student with learning resources typically beyond their reach. Your donation will provide not only text books, uniforms, and a school bag; it will also cover counseling for home and school, nutritious food, weekend confidence-building workshops, peer activities, and more.
An overwhelming majority of our beneficiaries (about 89%) graduate high school and secure jobs or go on to pursue higher education. The program has also been proven to promote independence and self-sufficiency for young women. Statewide, the average marriage age for girls is 17. For female E2S beneficiaries, the average age is 19-20. These educated women will help to create a permanent cultural change in their families and communities.

Be Part of the Solution
Share & Care is driven by the belief that all children, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds, have the capacity to complete a certain level of education given the opportunity.
And these children, like all young people around the world, need support, guidance, and nurturing. With your help, they can complete their secondary school education. They can get jobs, pursue higher education, and live up to their full potential. They can support themselves and their families.
They can escape the cycle of poverty once and for all.