Upasi Learns How to Increase Farm Yields and Boost Income

Upasi Devi, currently living in the Singhpur village of Uttar Pradesh, wanted to attend school when she was younger. However, due to family circumstances, she was unable to and was married at 12 years old to Akhileshwar Mahto. She worked with Akhileshwar in agriculture, but after they had four children, their financial situation became strained. She became involved with PRADAN, an organization supported by Share & Care, that offers programs dedicated to training local agriculturalists about integrated natural resource and watershed management.

Through these trainings, Upasi learned the best practices for managing her farm and beginning her own fishery to increase her family’s income. After implementing the recommendations, Upasi’s farm and fishery now generate an additional Rs. 15,000 to 20,000 annually. This income growth has helped Upasi become financially independent and support her children and grandchildren with their educational expenses, enriching the lives of the entire family.

Upasi Devi received training and recommendations to manage her farm and add a fishery to increase her income substantially.