Hemalatha and Her Baby Provided With Ongoing Care and Support

Hemalatha is a young mother in Chennai in Tamil Nadu. When she became pregnant, she began receiving care from the Kalanjiyam Right Information Community Health (RICH) program, which is supported by Share & Care. Not only did she receive prenatal counseling and medical visits during her pregnancy, she also benefited from advice and support from program staff after she gave birth. They assisted her with her concerns regarding breastfeeding, proper infant nutrition, and preventative healthcare for her baby. Hemalatha is enjoying a healthy postpartum recovery, and her baby is strong and healthy due to the support she has been provided.

“I think what they are doing is very important, as many women do not have enough awareness on these issues and do not even follow the advice of a doctor. Repeated follow-up and counseling help women adopt healthy and correct practices. The women in our village have been greatly benefited by this program, and we thank you wholeheartedly.”
—Hemalatha , Share & Care Healthcare 2 Unreached Program Beneficiary

Hemalatha and her child continue to receive support from the RICH program, ensuring that they are both healthy.