Mayuri Kaushik Kumar Rawal is a bright, ambitious 8th-grade student in Mumbai. Her father is the sole earner for her family of six, and as a florist making just Rs. 36,000 per year, he struggles to cover basic living expenses, leaving no room in the family’s budget for school fees. As an SPRJ Kanyashala Trust student, Mayuri received a scholarship from Share & Care, allowing her to not only stay in school but to have access to all the resources she needs to thrive. Her scholarship covers her fees, books, shoes, uniforms, stationery, sports equipment, and computer fees. Mayuri is doing exceptionally well in school, and she is active in all of her school’s competitions and activities. Share & Care’s support allows her to concentrate on her studies and continue working toward her goal of becoming a doctor.
“Thanks to Share & Care from the bottom of my heart. I will not forget your generosity.”
— Mayuri Kaushik Kumar Rawal, Share & Care Educate 2 Success Program Beneficiary